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Did you find the labyrinth or did it find you?The labyrinth definitely found me. While my husband Drew and I were living and working in Juneau Alaska, my friend, Margie, invited me to walk the labyrinth at The Shrine of St. Therese. I didn’t know anything about labyrinths, but after walking it, I knew I wanted to continue to walk that labyrinth and find others. ![]() What was the beginning “seed” of your project?Several years after my first labyrinth walk, I retired after working for 30 years as a Speech-Language Pathologist/ elementary teacher and wanted to start some kind of personal journey. I just didn’t know what that might look like. I was inspired by our son Jason’s hike of the Appalachian Trail, but I knew that a sweaty, buggy, 15-or-more miles a day wasn’t my kind of journey. One morning while looking down at the Brooklyn Bridge from our Manhattan apartment, the idea suddenly came to me. “You love labyrinths. You love to write. Write about a labyrinth in every state!” I immediately called Marian, my friend of 30 years, and told her of my inspiration. Without hesitating, she said, “That’s wonderful, and I’ll go with you!” And she did, for 17 states. What were the criteria for the labyrinths?I found most of the labyrinths on the Worldwide Labyrinth Locator. Others were recommended by members of the labyrinth community through the Veriditas Listserve. My criteria began with two elements:
How did you organize and plan the segments of your two-year journey?My first venture was to visit labyrinths on the east coast, close to my home in New York and Marian’s in Connecticut. I identified three to four states at a time. I realized that the complete journey would take approximately two years since I needed to consider weather, accessibility, travel arrangements, and contacts with each labyrinth creator prior to visiting. I emailed ahead to each selected person and asked the following four questions:
![]() How did you learn about Veriditas?As I was exploring a feasible time to visit California and Oregon, I learned about the facilitator training that would be offered at Grace Cathedral in April 2013. I planned my labyrinth visits during the same trip. That training with Lauren Artress helped solidify the labyrinth for me on a personal level. I also learned about the broader labyrinth community and the variety of support services that Veriditas offers. |
What was the most challenging experience in your journey?
What do you consider the highlights of your journey?
What do you plan to do with these photos and stories?
How has your journey affected you and your life?
Do you feel your journey had an impact on the women you visited?
Rita: When did you first encounter the labyrinth? Claudia:I was attracted to the labyrinth as an artist and nature lover, and because of its symbolism and ancient myth. As a sculptor I was drawn to the labyrinth because of its three dimensional aspect as land art. When I first became interested in labyrinths I went to some that were around the Stonehenge area in England. Rita: How did you get involved with Veriditas? Claudia: Claudia: I was googling about labyrinths and I wanted to see Stonehenge and some of the ancient labyrinths in England and Scotland. This was how I came across Veriditas and Lauren. I was so pleasantly surprised to see a Christian Minister who was stretching herself and having the courage to get involved in something that wasn’t so traditionally Christian, something that had a much more universal meaning. I got in touch with Veriditas and then went to Chartres which was an amazing experience. |
Rita: Have you shared the labyrinth with others?Claudia: After I took the facilitator training I created a labyrinth at the local Art Center. This was made in the ground with mounds and beach grasses. Many people walk it because it’s in such a perfect place at the art center. Rita: Why do you donate to Veriditas? Claudia: I’m really amazed with Lauren Artress. A Christian minister who has the courage to go where she is going is very, very rare. And the complexity of the labyrinth for all people is something which is very important for our world. You don’t have to be Christian to walk a labyrinth, you don’t have to be anything to walk a labyrinth. That is just what I like to promote. It is meditative, people can make out of it what they want, and it’s a chance for me to promote the nonverbal experience that the labyrinth allows. It’s an amazing tool that let’s one be contemplative and quiet, and put one foot in front of the other. This is what life is really all about – to put one foot in front of the other. Very simple. And the labyrinth exemplifies that and I love to promote it. |
Global Healing ResponseThe Global Healing Response, founded in 2005 by Council member Ellen Bintz Meuch, offers an annual theme and quarterly ideas and information to enrich labyrinth walks. The GHR theme for 2014 is Unity and the focus for this quarter is Compassion /Understanding. The quote “Understanding is the first step to acceptance, and only with acceptance can there be recovery.”undefined J.K. Rowling, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. The third quarter is posted on the website, www.globalhealingresponse.com. We encourage you to visit the site soon and often. |
Little Miracles on the PathEach month, Linda Mikell, secretary to the Veriditas Council and New England Regional Representative, emails a Little Miracles on the Path story to 439 facilitators who have signed up for them. Facilitators from all over the world send her stories about interesting, touching events that happen at their labyrinth walks. If you would like to receive these stories, please contact Linda (edlinmik@optonline.net). Please don’t forget to send your story when you have one. Little Miracles are archived on the Facilitators Portal of the Veriditas Website. |
Donate an ItemDonating an item is easy! (It’s even easier than listing an item on eBay). Just go to www.biddingforgood.com/veriditas and click “Donate an item.” You will need a digital photo of your item and a description for the listing. If you have any trouble listing an item please contact Joyce Krajian. Donation ideas include labyrinth items, music, artwork, gift cards to national restaurants or stores (i.e. Starbucks, Borders), getaway vacation sites, services, books signed by authors - you get the idea! No item is too small! It’s great to have a wide price range of things to choose from. Sponsor our Auction:There are literally thousands of people who receive the information about our auction and are interested in the labyrinth. So, if you are a labyrinth vendor, artist, author, restaurant or store owner, this is a great way to advertise!!! |
Bid on an ItemBeginning on October 6th the auction will be open. Please visit the Veriditas BiddingForGood site often to view our catalog of exciting items. It’s fun to check on your items and bids! The auction site can be reached at www.biddingforgood.com/veriditas. If you have any trouble, please don’t hesitate to contact Joyce Krajian. She will send you an easy link via email. Feel free to pass this information on to anyone who you think might be interested! Bid high and Bid often! Questions? Contact Joyce Krajian at veriditasauction@gmail.com Help spread the word about our auction on Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest. You can also download an item donation form here to print and share with your local community. |