There are just 15 days to go to meet our goal!
Help us to continue to inspire personal and planetary change and renewal through the labyrinth experience.
Open House at IONS
On Sunday December 15th, Veriditas participated in the Holiday Open House at the Earthrise Retreat Center of the Institute of Noetic Sciences (where we have our offices). A number of people walked the labyrinth, many for the first time. We were treated to beautiful North Indian Bansuri flute music played by John Wubbenhorst. We would like to thank IONS for inviting us to participate in this heart-fully festive event.
Community Gathering

We have just a few spots remaining for the Community Gathering. Please join us in a soul-nourishing circle of like-minded and like-hearted folk -
February 7-9 at IONS!
We’re planning a weekend that includes ritual, socializing, soul-nourishing activities, writing, and walking together. Here are a few of the highlights on the agenda:
- Keynote speech by Lauren;
- A viewing of our new Chartres Pilgrimage video;
- Writing exercises, including how walking the labyrinth has changed you;
- Group discussions of the Body of Knowledge born of the labyrinth experience;
- An afternoon of soul collage;
- Socializing time with labyrinth folks;
- Walks on the Deer Heart labyrinth together;
- And, really amazing food!
We'd love to have you there. The $349 registration price includes lodging and food as well as the event itself.
How Last Minute Holiday Shopping can benefit Veriditas…
If you shop for Anything from via our website, we receive a small percentage of the sale at no additional cost to you. Click the Amazon logo below to begin.
Product Highlight from our Product Partner, iSpiritual
Chartres Labyrinth Sun Catchers
Sun Catchers with a luminous labyrinth pattern. Made from 100% recycled glass. Choose from purple, aqua, cobalt, teal or green.

Global Healing Response
The Global Healing Response, founded in 2005 by Council member Ellen Bintz Meuch, offers an annual theme and quarterly ideas and information to enrich labyrinth walks. The GHR theme for 2013 is Truth and the focus for this quarter is Beauty. The quote is by John Keats: “‘Beauty is truth, truth beauty,’ – that is all ye know on earth, and all ye need to know.” If each of us could host or personally take the time for a GHR labyrinth walk, think of the unified healing energy we could create! The fourth quarter is posted on the website, We encourage you to visit the site soon and often.
Little Miracles on the Path
Each month, Linda Mikell, secretary to the Veriditas Council and New England Regional Representative, emails a Little Miracles on the Path story to 439 facilitators who have signed up for them. Facilitators from all over the world send her stories about interesting, touching events that happen at their labyrinth walks. If you would like to receive these stories, please contact Linda ( Please don’t forget to send your story when you have one. Little Miracles are archived on the Facilitators Portal of the Veriditas Website.